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Intro: Studying in Sweden - how and why?


93 Aufrufe


German Blog/ Deutscher Blog  -> Hier geht's lang


While finalizing my bachelor studies, I quite often reflected on what to do next. Would it be merely working or resuming education? As I quite like the concept of distance education I knew that if I would be conducting a master's degree it needed to be remote.

Having heard of the options in Sweden, I was surprised to discover that as EU-Citizen I would not only be qualified to study free of charge but also part-time. The only master program capturing my interest was the Master Programme Integrative Health Science of Kristianstad University (hkr.se). The striking aspects which substantially influenced my decision were:



  • 100 % online
  • language of study: English
  • part-time
  • cost
  • program content and depth
  • research focus

For Swedish universities, the application process is coordinated via universityadmission.se. Therefore, predominantly up until the admission process is complete, there is no direct communication with the university. Yet, I have encountered some difficulties in my application process. Even though I did live in Canada for a number of years, completed education there, worked there, and did take upper-secondary English, I was marked for not having provided proof of proficiency in English. This was more so confusing as language proficiency is not an entrance requirement for the Master Programme Integrative Health Science. However, as I am writing this blog, this issue was quickly resolved. And in the autumn semester of 2018, I commenced my studies at hkr.

Now, before you jump to or wait for the following entry, there is one more thing I need to say about this blog. In 2018 I began blogging about my studies in my German blog. It was not until recently almost three years later, that I noticed I do have high traffic on my German blog. I do assume that it is partly because there is not much information out there in English of people actually studying the Master Programme Integrative Health Science. While I will backdate the separate entries to line up with my actual study history and experience, the start date for this blog is July 2021.

Now enjoy reading and if you do have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below or contact me via a personal message. 

Bearbeitet von polli_on_the_go

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