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Organization Practice

For me, it's now time to make good use of the days off. The next paper has to be submitted on 4.1.19. It deals with a human service institution and is to be related to the theories of O'Connor & Netting (2009).
So it's back to reading so I can do that at all. My "novel" for the next few days is "Organization Practice: A Guide to Understanding Human Service Organizations." And right at the beginning of the book the authors explain that you actually prefer to talk about systems. The approach sounds exciting. 
Cat curled up under the covers, highlighter ready, tea within reach and off you go.
Addendum: And I have to share a quote ;) 
Lohmann (1989) ... compares naming a sector nonprofit or nongovernmental to defining lettuce as a mammal. Lettuce is non-fur-bearing, non-milk-producing, non-child bearing, and non-warmblooded nonanimal. Further, as a mammal, lettuce is highly ineffective, being sedentary and not warm-blooded. All other mammals are much faster. Lettuce is also remarkably non-agile and fails to protect its young. On the whole, lettuce is a miserable excuse for a mammal!" (p. 369).  Lohman is concerned here with the issue of profit vs. non-profit.

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