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Examination 1 - Submission Deadline

... missed. And not even because I wasn't finished. Because I was already fisnished at 11:30 pm. So with 29 minutes to submit the thing, it shouldn't really be a problem. The emphasis is on actually. Because, although I wanted to submit the document in one of the valid formats that always worked in advance, it absolutely would not attach and upload. I saved it again. In the end, nothing could be done. I could not attach the file. And then the assignment was locked.


In an act of desperation, I emailed it to the prof. But I'm honest, just looking over it, I saw that I'd forgotten a part of the assignment anyway. I'm honest, I'd rather not accept it by email now, I'll just finish it and hope to pass in the end. There are still two exams to come and I think passing is good. I'm annoyed right now, but I think some of you know these situations.


Well, it went badly.

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