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Interactionist Professional Theory by A. Abbott...

... or how I try to beat time. This blog will be short. It's 7:43 pm. Time is running out, the deadline is 23:59 and my head is empty. Right now I'm doing the layout and hope to be able to write down my paper in a fit of madness. Then I have to deal with the new citation form. In the end, I plan to spend about 60 minutes on corrections and that. That gives me 3 hours with a short break in between to get it done.


Basically, there are three scenarios that are possible if I go through with this now


I am an overachiever and pass in the first attempt with VG.
The professor is merciful or the standard is far lower than I expect and I slip through with a G.
My paper is below the professor's expectations and I fail. 

Option 3. means that I can then rework the paper I have already written in a second attempt and then still pass with a G. If I were to miss the deadline, however, there would be no room for a third attempt, if I understood correctly, and I don't really want to gamble that away, especially with this topic, if I'm honest. 


@hugobene how are you getting on at the moment?

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