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System of Professions

So by now, at least I'm in the reading flow. I hope that I don't really need the last case studies for the assignment. But it doesn't look like it. But I'm more than unsure whether I'll actually make the deadline on Friday. But the worst thing that could happen is that I would lose my chance to pass the module with the VG, which I doubt at the moment anyway. 


Dear Prof. Pundt, forgive me, but I still don't understand Swedish social scientists. Maybe I should try the German ones ;).


But for now I will finish the semester and then see. There also seems to be some kind of change. The programme HP is being revised. There is no more information about the curriculum (annoying). And the syllabus has been re-dated. But actually one module should be international health in the next semester and I'm interested in that. 


That's all for now. And not as demotivated as last time.

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