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HE8150 - Qualitative Research Methods in Health Sciences


351 Aufrufe

Nahtlos geht es von der Applied Statistic direkt ins nächste Modul: Qualitative Research Methods in Health Sciences.


Hier versuche ich mir gerade erst einmal einen Überblick zu verschaffen. Das Modul gliedert sich in drei Blöcke (Moduls), die jeweils mit einem der üblichen verdächtigen, sprich papers/reports abschließen.


Modul 1 (Abgabe 16.04.2023)

(1) Describe the overarching characteristics of the qualitative research paradigm including the role of the researcher. Ensure that ontological-, epistemological and methodological standpoints are considered and described.


(2) Describe and define in short:

  • a research problem, and formulate an aim and design adequate for qualitative content analysis (you will use this aim and design i Modul 2.).
  • In a new paragraph you adjust the aim and design to fit a) phenomenological approach/study, and b) a narrative approach/study. Consider that you may have to adjust the research problem, aim and design to fit these two approaches. Contrast the two different approaches and discuss their differences, similarities and appropriateness in relation to the aim and design you described for using a qualitative content analysis.

(3) Describe in short but clear terms the different approaches of qualitative content analysis and the differences between them (see the articles). Describe also the different interpretation levels and what it means in a qualitative content analysis (see the articles).


2000 Words


Modul 2 (Abgabe 21.05.2023)

Prepare and perform interviews, transcribe, analyze and suggest conclusions


  1. In this assignment you must consider your formulated problem, aim and design presented in Assignment 1., using qualitative content analysis. The discussion of the methodology and trustworthiness is done in Module 3. Note that you should not discuss the results. 
  2. Prepare how to conduct the interviews, including questions/interview guide (example of interview guide see article Janlöv (2017) and how to accomplish the interviews. Consider whether a pilot interview is needed. The questions/interview guide can be tested with a course mate or a friend.
  3. Make a sampling of two persons (consider what type of sampling to use ). 
  4. Important that you in your way of preparing and conducting the interviews include 1) ethical considerations, 2) written information in informing your interview persons as well as use a 3) formal document of consent.
  5. You need to record the interviews and transcribe them verbatim (this is time consuming your interviews should not exceed 30-45 minutes). This is necessary in order to support the performance of an analysis of what became told and narrated in the interviews.
  6. Your unit of analysis is the text of your interview transcriptions. Use working sheets. You perform your analysis from an inductive approach. 


4500 Wörter


Modul 3 (Abgabe 04.06.2023)


1) Reflect over and discuss your aim, and design in relation to your result and to trustworthiness (Lincoln & Guba in Shentons article) and use the terms credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. Also consider and include aspects of reflectivity, ethical, sociocultural, power and gender aspects in relation to the trustworthiness of your mini-study. You should consider the strengths as well as weaknesses and describe what you have learned. 

What would you have done differently and why, if you had been given the chance to perform the interview and the following qualitative content analysis once more?

2) Reflect over and discuss  what you would have to consider to achieve trustworhiness if you had used the approaches below;

a) Phenomenological aim and approach you outlined in Module 1. 

b) Narrative aim and approach you outlined in Module 1. 


1500 Words


Was gibt es in diesem Modul zu lernen?


Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of the course, students shall be able to

1. describe and discuss the typical features of a qualitative research approach

2. explain and apply methods based on a research issue

3. describe and discuss credibility aspects


Competence and skills

On completion of the course, students shall be able to

4. carry out qualitative data collection

5. process and analyse collected data with a relevant qualitative method  

6. independently compile and present the results of a qualitative analysis


Judgement and approach

On completion of the course, students shall be able to

7. critically reflect on ethical, sociocultural, and power and gender aspects of qualitative research

8. critically discuss research methodology in relation to qualitative research


Heute habe ich mich nur erst mal damit auseinander gesetzt Canvas hoch znd runter zu lesen. Die nächsten Tage werde ich versuchen Modul 1 zu bearbeiten und die Kursliteratur dazu zu lesen sowie den Interviewleitfaden aufzustellen. 


Ich habe alle Interviewteilnehmer zusammen. Jetzt muss ich nur noch den Rest hinbekommen.

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