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Internationale Beziehungen / International Relations


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ich würde gern internationale Beziehungen im Fernstudium belegen. Leider ist es wohl in Deutschland nur als Präsenzstudium möglich oder hat jemand andere Informationen? Bzw. wo könnte ich es noch studieren?

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Der Center for Global Politics der Freien Universität Berlin bietet ein Masterprogramm in Internationale Beziehungen, zudem eine Spezialisierung in der Region Osteuropa. Mehr Informationen:

Call for Applications: Center for Global Politics M. A. Programs

The world is becoming an ever more complex place. Uncertainties multiply, but so do opportunities.

The Center for Global Politics provides you with the tools to navigate this complexity. Study one of our blended-learning Master programs. Online and face-to-face during our in-house classes. Join us at Freie Universität Berlin, one of Europe´s leading universities.

International Relations arms students with the tools necessary for acting in a globalized world. They create their own study focus in either Global Politics or Area Studies, and then select from a series of electives on various capital flows (migration, capital and finance, energy, ICTs) and policy issues (conflict management, global cities, cultural narratives).

East European Studies is the world’s only blended learning master program on this region. The focus is on the political, economic, social and cultural developments in Eastern Europe. Students learn to analyze complex situations, give policy advice and reach mutual understandings.

Leadership in Eastern Europe, our newest program, provides reality-based challenges in preparation for getting started in a different cultural and professional background. The one-year Executive Master program provides the professional and entrepreneurial skills needed by professionals of different backgrounds entering an East European context.

Your benefits:

• A degree from a German University of Excellence

• Flexible blended-learning that allows you to stay on the job whilst pursuing your degree

• Rewarding in-house classes where you will meet your peers and explore the fascinating city of Berlin

• An innovative, web-based learning environment

• Supervision by dedicated scholars from around the world

• Excellent career opportunities

• A sustainable network of experts and alumni all over the world.

Online applications are welcome through April 30, 2015.

The programs start in October 2015.

Website: http://www.cfa.global-politics.org/

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